
Raja Rani Temple Bhubaneswar

Rajarani Temple Founded In Eleventh century Dedicated to Lord Brahma.

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Places Temples

Parasurameswara Temple of Odisha

The oldest surviving temple is Parasurameswara Temple, built in 650 A.D. There are two basic characteristics of Orissan temple architecture – the Deul (tower) and Jagmohana (porch-like hall). This small temple had some exquisite carvings and sculptures including bas reliefs of elephant processions and even a Buddhist Stupa carved on the sides howing the advent

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Places Temples

The Gundicha temple PURI Odisha

The Gundicha temple which is just a km away from the Jagannath temple of Puri is also known as the aunt’s house. The most famous festival of Puri, the Rath Yatra, has connections with this ancient temple. As the Rath Yatra symbolizes the departure of Lord Krishna from Gokul to Mathura, so is the Lord

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Lord Jagannath Temple The Pride of Odisha People

The temple of Lord Jagannath: One of the four sacred places for the Hindus, the Puri temple is dedicated to lord Jagannath. Jagannath literally means the Lord of the Universe. This 65meter tall temple can be seen long before entering the town of Puri. The tallest and the most magnificent temples of Orissa, the idols

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