
Gajapati District of Odisha

Gajapati District of Odisha: A Comprehensive Guide

Gajapati District of Odisha: A Comprehensive Guide

Gajapati district came into being with effect from 2nd October 1992. Prior to this it was a part (Sub-Division) of Ganjam district. This district lies between 18.450 East to 19.400 West latitude and 85.480 North to 84.270 South longitude. Ganjam district and Andhra Pradesh bound this district on the east, Rayagada district on the west, Ganjam and Phulbani districts on the north and Andhra Pradesh on the south. While the Ganjam is a developed, well connect with road and rail facilities, industrially and agriculturally prosperous district the Gajapati district continue to be an under developed mountainous region, pre dominated by tribal people with low literacy rate and with very low standard of living of majority of people.

Climate & Rainfall

Atmospheric temperature varies between 16 to 480 Celsius. The normal rainfall received in the district is 1323.55 mm.

Soil & Rock

The major part of the district belongs to hilly terrain and undulated topography, which is inhabited by the tribals. The highest mountain of the district Mahendragiri lies at an altitude of 4,923 feet above the sea level. The geographical formation of the district is Alluvial, brown land Lateriates, Gondowanas, Newer Dolerites and Archon comprising igneous and metamorphic rocks. The main soil types are clay loam, sandy loam and red soil.


The soil and climate is suitable for plantation crops and there is a great potential of horticulture development in the district. More than 60% of lands are situated in hilly terrain, which has been treated as highlands, which is mainly suited for horticulture plantation and another cultivable land belongs to the category of medium lands (20%) and lowlands(15%).


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